
The New ABCs – Attention, Balance and Compassion | Implementing mindfulness technique in educational settings (New York, NY)

Implementing mindfulness technique in educational settings, Pre-K – 12

For over a decade, presenters Susan Kaiser Greenland, author of the Mindful Child (Free Press, 2010) and Dr. Suzi Tortora, author of Dancing Dialogue (Brooks, 2005) have worked to integrate contemporary dance movement therapy techniques with classical mindfulness practice.

This interactive lecture provides an opportunity for students, educators, health professionals, administrators and parents to learn from each other.

It will:

  • Explore the relationship between theory, practice and research of mindfulness practices
    in educational contexts
  • Provide an opportunity for you to strengthen and support how you communicate and teach
    with activities that develop greater mind-body awareness, compassionate life skills and help manage stress
  • Introduce ways to bring attention, balance and compassion into your personal and
    professional lives

For more information: Teachers College, Columbia University

View the video of the Workshop

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ADTA/NDEO Conference 2011 Full-Day Intensive | Dancing Through the Ages (Minneapolis, MN)

Dancing Through the Ages – How Infancy and Early Childhood DMT Informs Adult DMT

11th Early Childhood Forum:
The Essential Knowledge for Dance Educators and Therapists
with Martha Eddy, Ed. D. , CMA, RSMT, (

October 19, 2011


NDEO Intensive: Peaceful Dancing/Inclusive Movement:
The Social Neuroscience of Dance Through Education and Therapy with Karen Bradley CMA,
Martha Eddy CMA, Nancy Beardall, CMA, Suzi Tortora, CMA

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to Jul 3

Institute of Integrative Psychology and Professional Development and the Integral Dance Center | Ways of Seeing Dance Therapy (Moscow, Russia)

Alexander Girshon, program director of the Institute of Integrative Psychology and Professional Development and the Integral Dance Center

Course description:
FOCUS: the role of nonverbal exchange & multisensory experience in the developing attachment relationship, using the Ways of Seeing program. This method will be applied to both infant/child and family work as well as work with adults. It will be taught through lecture, video analysis and experientials that include personal explorations for the participants.

Ways of Seeing Program Overview

  • Utilizes nonverbal movement observation, dance, music, and play for the assessment, intervention and educational programming of children and their families. It is based on the principles of Laban Movement Analysis (LMA), the discipline of authentic movement, and dance movement therapy practice.
  • Participants will work with two nonverbal analysis tools developed by Dr. Suzi Tortora. Movement Signature Impressions (MSI) is a nonverbal observational tool developed to guide the practitioner's observations about the child's nonverbal personal and interactional movement style. D.A.N.C.E. (Dyadic Attachment-based Nonverbal Communication Expressions) specifically focuses on the nonverbal elements that support the development of significant attachment relationships.
  • Focuses on understanding how nonverbal movement qualities reveal information about one's emotional, social, physical, communicative and cognitive development.
  • Ways of Seeing emphasizes that there are many ways to look, to assess, to receive information about self and other.

Contact, For more information: Alexander Girshon

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IPP&P | Families in Motion: Early Childhood Attachment & The Multisensory Movement Relationship (Moscow, Russia)
to Jun 27

IPP&P | Families in Motion: Early Childhood Attachment & The Multisensory Movement Relationship (Moscow, Russia)

  • DMT Department of the Institute of Practical Psychology and Psychoanalysis (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This workshop will discuss the essential role of the body, multisensory experience, and nonverbal movement exploration in the developing parent-child relationship. This dance/movement psychotherapy approach will be discussed through lecture, video and experiential learning. Topics will include difficult attachment relationships, trauma, anxiety, sensory processing, communication delays, autism spectrum disorders (ASD), difficulties with hyperactivity and regulation, adoption, and developmental delays.

Ayana Spivak, secretary of the DMT Department of IPP&P: ; Тел: +7 926 360 6292

DMT Department of the Institute of Practical Psychology and Psychoanalysis (IPP&P)

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2011 MI-AIMH Biennial Conference | Keynote Address (Ann Arbor, MI)
to May 17

2011 MI-AIMH Biennial Conference | Keynote Address (Ann Arbor, MI)

  • The University of Michigan in Ann Arbor (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Promoting Reflective Functioning with Infants, Toddlers, Families and Professionals: Traditional and Non-Traditional Approaches

Monday, May 16, 2011 morning
Keynote Address – Suzi Tortora, Ed. D.

Monday, May 16, 2011 afternoon
Case Presentation Panel Speaker - Suzi Tortora, Ed. D.

Lecturer, Laban Movement Analyst, author and dance movement psychotherapist in New York City and the Hudson Valley area of New York.

Workshop/Poster Submission:

MI-AIMH invites proposals for two-hour workshops related to the promotion of reflective functioning within the practice of infant mental health. Workshops may be clinical or empirical and may address any of the following topics: prevention, assessment, intervention, research, or policy development. Within these general topic areas, proposals should address traditional or nontraditional approaches for the promotion of reflective functioning and practices in parents, families, and professionals; evaluation of reflective practice within programs; support of reflective functioning in professionals and their supervisors; or discussion of barriers to reflective functioning.

We also invite students to submit proposals for poster presentations related to studies in the infant-family field.

For more information

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ADTA | Families in Motion: Early Childhood Attachment & The Multisensory Movement Relationship (Sandy Spring, MD)

ADTA | Families in Motion: Early Childhood Attachment & The Multisensory Movement Relationship (Sandy Spring, MD)

This workshop will discuss the essential role of the body, multisensory experience, and nonverbal movement exploration in the developing parent-child relationship.

Based on the intricate relationship between the brain, the body, emotion and nonverbal movement expression participants will gain an understanding of the role multisensory experience plays in all levels of development, using Tortora's Ways of Seeing program.

This multisensory and nonverbal perspective will be discussed through lecture, video and experiential learning across a continuum from infancy through adulthood. Topics will include trauma, anxiety, and children with developmental issues including sensory processing, communication delay and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

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